
Handmade Father's Day Gifts

Yay, happy Father's Day to all the great fathers out there who love, teach and provide for their children.

Let's take a peek at what we've made for Daddy this year. We've prepared these presents long before the Day. 

Here is a finger-painting we've done together. I drew the tree branches and they painted the leaves using their tiny fingers. So cute*

Next, we found rocks from the backyard, and Brandon helped me clean them.

After the rocks were cleaned, we dried them outside under the sun so we could paint them.

We picked 12 rocks total, 6 rocks per child. I let them choose the colors they wanted for each rock and labeled the paper plates with their names so I know who painted which ones.

After that, we just had to wait until they dry for at least 24 hours. I also had to find a place to hide all these plates, which was the more difficult part.

The next day, when the kids were taking their naps, it was assembling time. Can we tell what we are making yet?


I lined up the rocks and put glue between them.

After another 24 hours, I cut up black pipe cleaners and made legs for the caterpillars.

Then the eyes.

On a separate day, we went to the craft store, and the kids got to pick their gift boxes and some shredded paper. When we came home, we put everything together.

The boxes were perfect for the caterpillars, because butterflies came from caterpillars. Brilliant choice, kids!

We also bought a frame for their tree finger-painting.

Daddy was surprised, and said that he'll bring these presents to his work and put them by his desk. ^_^

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