
20 weeks

Sophie is 20 weeks! How time flies. I took her to San Jose to see my parents, grandma and all the relatives for two weeks and had just gotten back to Boston for a week. We had a tun of fun. So many people were coming to see Sophie and to hold her everyday that my job as a mom was really easy. Hehe. Too bad daddy missed us so terribly as he couldn't come with us due to work, but I think we would have had even more fun together had he joined us.

The plane ride with Sophie was relatively easy. She slept almost the whole way there only waking up to feed and to be changed. On the way back, we took a red-eye flight, and she was just completely passed out the whole 5-6 hours. Super!!!

This passed Sunday, we dedicated her to God in front of our church members. It was a joyful occasion knowing that Sophie belongs to God and that He will take care of her all of her life much better than we, humanly parents, can.

She is so smiley everyday that watching her grow is a complete joy!

I love you my dear daughter!

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