
Done Done Done!

I love to say the word "done" three times in a roll when I have actually accomplished something. Certainly right now I can say that, because I am really done with my semester. "Done done done" sounds like I am singing, but the meaning is also very self-explanatory to those who know me and know what I am going through in life.
This semester, I learned a lot more about piano that I would never imagine myself learning. I played comfortably in the piano jury, and my teacher told me that I did very well, which is extremely rare considering the fact that he's pretty strict and critical during usual semesters. Yay!!! I am so happy about it. Next semester will be my graduation recital, I can't wait to finish strong.

This weekend I was able to relax and enjoy spending time with friends. Here is a tea party that I attended on Saturday. I had so much fun!!!

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