
Hanging On

Last night, while Sophie was being held, she grabbed on to Tim's shirt with all her might with both hands. Maybe she was afraid that daddy might somehow drop her?
Tim asked me if we're like that in God's eyes. We struggle in the safety of His hands thinking that we're still not safe enough. We use our finite knowledge to grab on to something that will not save us, but we loose sight of the One who can truly protect us from danger and harm.

Thank you God for being our Father who loves us like no others can.


Unknown said...

So lovely. And true. I think I might have to re-post this for my Sunday thoughts this weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks Yvonne, yah, please feel free to re-post!

emi said...

awwww she's so tiny!!! being parents do teach you a big deal about God, huh? wow... :))

Unknown said...

likey likey