

2009 is coming to an end. I mean really ending, within a matter a few days. For the first time in my life, I felt the stress of the holidays. When I was a child, the stressing belonged to my parents. They had to figure out who to give gifts to, who to write cards to, what food to cook during gatherings... All I had to do was to just run around and breath in the holiday cheers. This year, I had to be the one stressing about all of the above on my own. Luckily, I bought a book before all this stressing started, and it's called The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren. This book is a constant reminder of what Christmas is really about: not the gifts, not the cards, not the dinner parties, but it's about Jesus Christ who came to this world to save us. He had to give up everything to become this helpless infant in order to live amongst humans without us being scared to death by His glorious and almighty self.
It's really not easy to be childlike once you become an adult, but let us still try. Despite of all the stress of the holidays, let us focus on our Lord, and let us celebrate His birth, even if He wasn't born on December 25, He did came for us 2000 years ago and has completed salvation for all mankind. If you think your spouse loves you, your parents love you, your children love you, then times that by ∞, and that's how much God loves you. He created such thing call love, and He is love.
May your Christmas be filled by Christ's love. May your holiday stress fly away and may it be replaced by joy from above.

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