I am officially done with my degree recital today. I honestly think that it was one of the best performances I have ever played. All the hard work and preparation leading up to it is a mental and physical battle. Even during the performance, I had to keep telling myself that this is probably the last time I'll get to do this, so just enjoy it. I played through the whole thing smoothly, no breaks, no slips. Music just flows. It was an amazing feeling.
I thank God for giving me peace and strength in my heart. I thank Him for leading me to Boston with Tim. I thank Him for being the One that I can turn to in every circumstance in life.
I thank God for my teacher, Professor di Bonaventura. He is so amazing. I still remember two weeks ago when I went to his office for lesson, he found out that I had a hand muscle pain, he immediately told me to take the day off and not even practice. Last week I went in, and this time, I was so nervous the whole week about this recital that I had seriously bad cramps in my stomach. He saw me not feeling well, and again, he sent me home and told me just to rest and not do anything but go get some sleep. He was also very supportive and encouraging the whole time knowing that I had just lost my grandfather. I learned so much from him, on how to play the piano and also on how to take care of myself and how to be a teacher to others.
I thank all the people that came to my recital. It really meant so much to me to see everybody there. I am so touched by your love for me, truly.
I thank my parents, parents-in-law, and my grandparents for praying for me everyday and asking God to lead me in every stage of my life. Even though they couldn't come to the recital, but their hearts are all with me, constantly caring for me. I thank them because I know that either I succeed or fail, they still love me the same, no matter what.
I thank my dear husband who has given me tremendous help today. He gave me massages, trying to be funny to distract me from getting nervous and thinking about the recital too much. He helped me with buying food for the reception after the recital, and carrying my dress, my shoes, my music books and many other things so that I wouldn't hurt my hands. And just in general, during this whole two years, he's been soooo understanding, so encouraging and so kind to me. I love my sweetheart. I want to treasure him for life.
I am so so so happy with the result today. I couldn't ask for more. I just want to prepare for the final jury and graduate in May. I am so excited!!!
Praise God!!!
[pictures will come soon, so please stayed tuned]