My grandpa is in ICU again, and this time he may not come out from it. The doctors warned us to prepare our hearts...
I don't know how to prepare my heart for this. Even if I did, would my heart hurt less?
Cousin William went to see him last night before I talked to him on the phone. He said grandpa lost so much weight. There's a tube inserted into his lunges to help him breath. He can't speak, he can't go to the bathroom, he can't eat...apparently, they have a tube for everything he can't do.
A doctor spoke to my relatives. He thinks that keeping grandpa alive this way brings him more unnecessary sufferings. He suggested that if it is okay with us, he would pull the plugs and let him go in the most peaceful way possible. After all, grandpa is already 84, the hope of him getting better from this is slim...
Should we leave him to suffer under all these tubes? Or should we decide for him the date which he can leave this world? These two options to me are both unfair to him.
Dear grandpa, can you choose for yourself?
wise words. I agree. Both decisions are way out of this world; I wish he could say for himself what he wished. Glad you guys were able to fly out on such short notice. Good to see you guys again.
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