Last entry I was still talking about packing up my bag for the hospital...I almost had Sophie 5 days ago.
Well, I went in for my 36 weeks and 3 days ultrasound, and they found out that baby is on the smaller side and my amniotic fluids are on the lower side. The overseeing doctor there was going to have me do an amniocentesis procedure to test if Sophie's lunges are developed enough for an induction that night.
I was freaking out not knowing what to think at that moment as I was not at all prepared to go into labor so soon. I called Tim at work sounding like I was about to break down. He quickly left what he was doing and rushed to the hospital to join me.
Long story short. We were one signature away from having Sophie that night. Thanks to Tim who suggested that I called a good friend of ours from church who's a doctor specializing in OB/Gyn. Tim also stood by me and helped me refuse to sign for an go-ahead for the amniocentesis.
Afterward, I was sent to the Labor and Delivery floor for a Non Stress Test. My own OB/Gyn came to see me during that time and talked to Tim and I for a bit. The NST came out looking really good. Sophie was moving and active. Induction wasn't a necessity at the moment according to my doctor. We were sent home that night safe and sound (despite the thunder and lightning that happened right when we were driving home, which intensified the drama a bit).
Since then, I was suppose to go in the hospital for a Non Stress Test everyday for a week until I could get another ultrasound. However, I've only done one other one on Monday, and the result was still exceptionally great. They didn't even bother making me go in anymore.
Today I am having an ultrasound. We'll see how everything goes. The good things we could take from this scare are that:
-My bag is packed! So I am ready to go anytime!
-Our hearts are definitely more prepared now than ever before to see Sophie soon.
-We learned to say "no"!!! And it did wonders!
-Sophie's termed this week (full 37 weeks and 2 days), so her lunges are definitely fine even if she came out today.
Last but not least:
I made some decorations for Sophie's little corner (more to come). We didn't get the condo that we put an offer in (see previous entry). So for now, she doesn't have her own room yet, but I hope she'll find her little corner cozy and soothing.
On the other note, I really hope the ultrasound technician saw it right, and that the baby inside is indeed a girl. Or else I'd feel so disappointed if all these girlie, pinkish things go to waste. Also we'd have to think of another name for...him...
So fingers crossed!!!
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