
Pink Keyboard & Mouse

My new keyboard and mouse from G-cube has arrive. It's cute, but the keys are not as quiet as the Apple one, and I don't have the Apple key on both sides of the space bar, which is sometimes annoying when I am using Photoshop and needs lots of shortcuts. Also it doesn't have the volume and brightness controls built in like the Apple keyboard. But the font on the keys are super cute and the mouse is great. I still have Apple Care, so maybe I'll get my old keyboard and mouse fixed. Hum...look and functionality sometimes don't go together, same can apply to human beings. ^_~


Anonymous said...

Another one pink keyboard - keyboard for blondes (www.keyboardforblondes.com)! I think it is good idea!

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Very nice pictures! you should make sure that more people have the opportunity to see them by improving your SEO.

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