

I love Boston! It's such a beautiful city with rich culture. Tim and I finally found our first home on the outskirts of Boston. We love our place so much that we wish we could move in right away. We went to IKEA to look at furnitures today. Tim said to me that this time we are actually buying furnitures for ourselves. Our place is lovely, it even has a Harry Potter closet next to the door way. I am really excited about living there. Praise God about all His doings. He not only led us here, He also protected us from a week of being on the road. He watched for our car and all the belongings we have inside it. He guided us when we got lost. He led us to the Realtor who not only did not charge a brokers fee but helped us found our dream home at the best deal ever. We almost couldn't believe the deal. Even our parents were so shocked that they started calling each other from Vancouver to California. Thanks to all the people who have been faithfully praying for us all this time. I hope we'll come to love Boston and start a new life together that honors God.

1 comment:

JOSH-WA! said...

it's so great to hear that you're loving boston (and your new home-to-be) merely a few days after arriving there!! wishing you two only the best as you start this this new journey together.