This is when I finished everything that day and ready to take the shuttle home, I took just a few outside Peabody Conservatory. There was a very big church across from Peabody and a nice pole like this. It was too dark that I didn't bother to go read what it is.
And here is the church that I was talking about. It looked very European. 200% more beautiful than what the picture can show.
Do you see the spiral staircase through one of those windows? Yup. Its inside is like a palace.
Me getting ready to sleep after a long long day of audition. I was happy of the fact that the harsh day is over. ^_^
You know, I never really visited your web site although Emi's been telling me about it. The first picture that caught my attention was that big face shot you had.
It made my a good way!
hahaha..hay..see you and Time this weekend?
- Henry
That picture is up close and personal... and maybe, I think you should hmm... get some rest, and I miss you and see you soon..
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