It was so much blessing to see my family and friend come for my senior recital and graduation, which happened on the 10th and the 15th of December. I realized that all that degree and performance didn't matter, all it matters is the people who came to support me. The graduation and the recital were just opportunities to draw people together. I never have much to say on blog, I never have a blog where I talk a whole page long. All I want to say is, "Thank you God! For giving me a lot of people who love and care for me!"
There is a lot to do now. Grad school application, practicing (yes, still have to do that), revising resume, hang out with parents and friends, get in shape (i like Pilate or tennis). possibly decorating Christmas tree (if I finish unpacking first), plan the wedding, travel to Vancouver or East Coast....lalalalala.
okay, one step at a time. ^_^ Now all I want.... is to stay warm. San Jose is freaking cold. I miss L.A. weather. 80 degree in December! Yah!!!
finally my recording is finished!!! Thanks to Jeff who did an exceptional job!
now I have to worry about fixing up my resume and repertoire sheet and personal statement before I can mail everything!!!
*pulling my hair out*
Everything is going smoothly even though it is stressful, praise God!!! I can't do it on my own. Oh thank God I have Him.
Ok, ready for another battle.
now I have to worry about fixing up my resume and repertoire sheet and personal statement before I can mail everything!!!
*pulling my hair out*
Everything is going smoothly even though it is stressful, praise God!!! I can't do it on my own. Oh thank God I have Him.
Ok, ready for another battle.
Yay, Julie is back from Australia! I am so happy! She sent me two postcards during her vacation there. *sob*, i am so touched! I can't wait to go back to San Jose to see her. One time she came to my house, we played games until almost 2 am. Muhahahah. I still remember how we used to be in Band and Orchestra together everyday. It was so much fun. Afterwards we'd stayed in the music building and hang out with other people. The most fun we had would be during football season when we had to play in marching band. Hahaha, we could cheer for our school team until we lose our voices, and our uniform was so dorky. =P
We also went to Las Vegas and Disneyland together with the school. We got gold medals during those times. ^_^ I can't believe how many concerts we played together...must be like at least 8 every semester. I didn't realize, but I was already kind of a performance major in high school. Ewwww. j/k
Julie, wishing you all the best, and I'll see you soon. Let's go visit Mr. B together!
We also went to Las Vegas and Disneyland together with the school. We got gold medals during those times. ^_^ I can't believe how many concerts we played together...must be like at least 8 every semester. I didn't realize, but I was already kind of a performance major in high school. Ewwww. j/k
Julie, wishing you all the best, and I'll see you soon. Let's go visit Mr. B together!
Tim's coming today! I haven't seen him for 2 months. Time goes by so fast. I am really excited about his coming. Finally I get to see him. In times like this, I wish that I don't have school and practice, or just any other kind of duties, so that I can just simply spend time with him. Afterall, he is only staying for the weekend. But things never happens the way you want it, or else, this world would be chaotic. But nevertheless, I am looking forward to it. I am wearing my "Extra Cute On Thursday" T-shirt for those who have seen it before. ^^
Anyways, I am just taking a break from practice. Time to go back now!
Anyways, I am just taking a break from practice. Time to go back now!
New LOOK!!!
It's Torrey Conference from this Wednesday to Friday. I don't have to go because I am a super senior. hahahahah. I don't even know whether I should be happy or sad about saying that. haha
However though...I used my free time wisely. I went to the hair salon and got a new look. hehe.

Afterwards, me and Linda and Jimmy and Moses and Charlie, we went to BJ's for dinner. We were originally going to Santa Monica for shopping, but I took forever in the Salon. >_< sorry guys... So we could only have a dinner together.

After dinner, we watched a movie together, in the elevator room. hahahaha, it's so hilarious, I felt so ghetto, but non of the dorm lobbies were available cuz EVERYBODY was trying to watch a movie. hehe, but I loved it, cuz these are the best college memories that I am going to remember so much of.

We watched Amadeus, it's a fiction biography of Mozart. So sad. I felt so sad for him and his awful life. Although he was really good at composing briliant music, he never learned to manage his finance wisely, so he ended up being broke all the time even though he was working for the Emperor. He was a work-addict, never stopped working and never care much about his wife and father. In the end, he became an alcoholic and died from absolute exhaustion from working with music.
All I can say after watching that movie was...."WHAT DEH...."
However though...I used my free time wisely. I went to the hair salon and got a new look. hehe.
Afterwards, me and Linda and Jimmy and Moses and Charlie, we went to BJ's for dinner. We were originally going to Santa Monica for shopping, but I took forever in the Salon. >_< sorry guys... So we could only have a dinner together.
After dinner, we watched a movie together, in the elevator room. hahahaha, it's so hilarious, I felt so ghetto, but non of the dorm lobbies were available cuz EVERYBODY was trying to watch a movie. hehe, but I loved it, cuz these are the best college memories that I am going to remember so much of.
We watched Amadeus, it's a fiction biography of Mozart. So sad. I felt so sad for him and his awful life. Although he was really good at composing briliant music, he never learned to manage his finance wisely, so he ended up being broke all the time even though he was working for the Emperor. He was a work-addict, never stopped working and never care much about his wife and father. In the end, he became an alcoholic and died from absolute exhaustion from working with music.
All I can say after watching that movie was...."WHAT DEH...."
Dali is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Random pictures
my last semester @ Biola. I will treasure this time so so much! It's like an extra gift that God gave to me to fully enjoy the community and the wonderful friends here. I am also applying for graduate schools, even though it is very very scary and it requires a lot of detail works like recommendation, transcript, personal statement, resume, music resume (yes, it's different), and application of course, plus music recording, and later to auditions, placement exams, interviews....May God add strength onto me so that I can do my best and not be afraid. Even if I fail in the end, at least I know I've done my best, and now I can move on to something else without regret.
Prism Concert
I entered orchestra!!! I play bassoon. Everybody was so shocked, they didn't think a pianist can be a bassoonist at the same time. I had to explain to them that I had played it for four years in high school both in band and in orchestra. They thought I just picked it up in two days or something. Actually I had to refresh my memory about how the fingerings are suppose to be, but it didn't take too long before I remembered most of the things. It's so exciting, today we had Prism Concert for Parents' Weekend, and our night concert was SOLD OUT! My very first concert as a member of BSO (Biola Symphonic Orchestra). So happy!!! I had this short solo in the middle of one of the pieces. It was so fun, but nervous at the same time.
Afterwards I practiced piano for a few hours. It was good. I feel that I finally have community now in the music building. I know so many more people and my musical world also expanded--it's not JUST about piano anymore. ^_^ I should have joined earlier, but I think before I used most of my time dating Tim, my soon-to-be husband, which is totally worth it. =P
Anyways, so randome, but yeah, I am excited about Christmas Concert at the end of this semester with the orchestra, and it'll be two nights straight, Friday and Saturday of Dec. 8&9, and then my Piano Senior Recital will be the very following night on the 10th, at 8:00 pm. OMG!!! So fun though.
Anyways, I had a long day today. Time to relax and rest. ^_^
Afterwards I practiced piano for a few hours. It was good. I feel that I finally have community now in the music building. I know so many more people and my musical world also expanded--it's not JUST about piano anymore. ^_^ I should have joined earlier, but I think before I used most of my time dating Tim, my soon-to-be husband, which is totally worth it. =P
Anyways, so randome, but yeah, I am excited about Christmas Concert at the end of this semester with the orchestra, and it'll be two nights straight, Friday and Saturday of Dec. 8&9, and then my Piano Senior Recital will be the very following night on the 10th, at 8:00 pm. OMG!!! So fun though.
Anyways, I had a long day today. Time to relax and rest. ^_^
I'm going to see Dali very soon. Not that soon, but I haven't seen her for a month now. it's very tough. it'll be another month until i see her again. I wish things could be different sometimes. But i guess things are the way they are for a reason. I don't have my ideal job, I don't have good pay, I don't have enough hours of work, and i don't have Dali near. But I do have Dali, I do have a part-time job, I have an awesome family, and a great church, and I'm sure God still loves me with or without. So, yeah... DALI! HI!
My poem for Dali
I like Dali Chen a lot
Dali Chen is all I got
She's my friend that listens
Through all the difficult seasons
What's more is that she cares
Even when I blow up in flare
I'm overwhelm to have her near
Bringing me the happiest tears
She is the one I need
To water my love seed
I like Dali Chen a lot
Dali Chen is all I got
Dali Chen is all I got
She's my friend that listens
Through all the difficult seasons
What's more is that she cares
Even when I blow up in flare
I'm overwhelm to have her near
Bringing me the happiest tears
She is the one I need
To water my love seed
I like Dali Chen a lot
Dali Chen is all I got
Praise God!
Last Saturday I led worship during Bible study at our group. It was really good. The whole last semester, I was trying to run away from it. I let myself feel like a kid among the members and I felt that I need others to take care of me. Actually they still do now, but praise God that He pushed me out of my comfort zone and start using my gift to serve Him in my small family here in L.A.
On Sunday, it was even funnier. I was just sitting there and listening to the sermon, and suddenly a highschool girl was making weird eye contact with the lady pianist, and then they went outside to talk. After the girl came back, she had with her two music sheets. She was nervous, because the lady pianist suddenly had things that she had to go take care of, and so she gave her the Benediction song and the Three Fold Amen song, plus the Postlude to play in replacement of the pianist herself. The girl was so restless after she found out that she's going to sight read all the music in the next 5 minutes or so. All of the sudden she saw me sitting two seat down from her, and her eyes just lighten up. She handed me the music and asked, "Can you play these song?" I was like, "Yes?" She begged, "Can you please play them? I don't know how to play these songs." After that, she had passed on her nervousness unto me. lol. It is a brand new church that I am attending on Sundays since my pastor and wife left the other church which I am still invovled in with Bible studies, and I've only been here 3 times. And here it comes the sudden opportunity to play the piano. But I was glad that I could help. Praise God for equipping me all these years with music, and now I am able to serve Him, I can finally see why God gave me the gift of music---is to serve Him. Duh!!! Lol.
On Sunday, it was even funnier. I was just sitting there and listening to the sermon, and suddenly a highschool girl was making weird eye contact with the lady pianist, and then they went outside to talk. After the girl came back, she had with her two music sheets. She was nervous, because the lady pianist suddenly had things that she had to go take care of, and so she gave her the Benediction song and the Three Fold Amen song, plus the Postlude to play in replacement of the pianist herself. The girl was so restless after she found out that she's going to sight read all the music in the next 5 minutes or so. All of the sudden she saw me sitting two seat down from her, and her eyes just lighten up. She handed me the music and asked, "Can you play these song?" I was like, "Yes?" She begged, "Can you please play them? I don't know how to play these songs." After that, she had passed on her nervousness unto me. lol. It is a brand new church that I am attending on Sundays since my pastor and wife left the other church which I am still invovled in with Bible studies, and I've only been here 3 times. And here it comes the sudden opportunity to play the piano. But I was glad that I could help. Praise God for equipping me all these years with music, and now I am able to serve Him, I can finally see why God gave me the gift of music---is to serve Him. Duh!!! Lol.
Lately, I've found practicing really enjoyable. I don't know why. It is as if suddenly I got enlightened. Things make sense to me all of the sudden. I know why I am practicing what I am practicing. It's amazing! I think our new piano teacher helped us a lot on discovering our individual strength and weakness, and he helped us to explore our options in tone qualities, articulation, voicing, hand positions...Everything really easy to understand and extrememly helpful. I am finding the joy in practicing. Isn't that AMAZING? WOW!!! I am fascinated with myself.
I am soooooo exhausted from today. I was either practicing, in class or accompanying, non-stop for 12 hours. My my...
I could hardly stay awake during my 7-10pm class.
But it's all good. I just need a good sleep to cure me from my tiredness.
I finally got the ethernet in my dorm to work. I've been using airport for internet the whole time. Until today, when the airport failed on me, then I discovered that my ethernet port was disfunctional the whole time. I switched to another one, and "viola!"
I am watching random Korean TV shows for relaxation. It's sooooo hilarious. They showed Chinese stars in their news too. So random, but I have no idea what they're saying about her.
Going to sleep pretty soon. Tomorrow I have piano lesson! Better be prepared for it. I am though, I am...^_~
I could hardly stay awake during my 7-10pm class.
But it's all good. I just need a good sleep to cure me from my tiredness.
I finally got the ethernet in my dorm to work. I've been using airport for internet the whole time. Until today, when the airport failed on me, then I discovered that my ethernet port was disfunctional the whole time. I switched to another one, and "viola!"
I am watching random Korean TV shows for relaxation. It's sooooo hilarious. They showed Chinese stars in their news too. So random, but I have no idea what they're saying about her.
Going to sleep pretty soon. Tomorrow I have piano lesson! Better be prepared for it. I am though, I am...^_~
My Turn
Church yesterday. It was good to see a lot of people. Had an awesome time at lunch time. I realized a lot about myself yesterday at church. I realized that over the years in Biola, I not only improve as a person, but I also gotten worst in many areas. I found myself being very critical, and almost always wrong about it, and I find myself a very bitter, isolated, hard to reach out to person. I've been very distant in the way I interact, and I can't seem to get in touch with myself... well, lots of learning, and a lot of time to do it.
We sang this praise song at our Bible study last Friday. I was really touched by it. It is saying that:
No matter how dark the sky is, stars will always shine through the darkness
No matter how long the night is, dawn is always on the other side
No matter how high the mountain is, the song of faith can conquer it
No matter how far the road is, love can take you to the other side where the clouds are
Who can surpass hardship, who can endure sorrowWho can see that there is hope ahead
God's heart sees the hope, so your heart can see it too
Oh, your heart can see it too
We sang this praise song at our Bible study last Friday. I was really touched by it. It is saying that:
No matter how dark the sky is, stars will always shine through the darkness
No matter how long the night is, dawn is always on the other side
No matter how high the mountain is, the song of faith can conquer it
No matter how far the road is, love can take you to the other side where the clouds are
Who can surpass hardship, who can endure sorrowWho can see that there is hope ahead
God's heart sees the hope, so your heart can see it too
Oh, your heart can see it too
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