My daddy emailed me this. so sweet ^_^ I love my dad. I am his little piggy. "Dear Dali, I saw a picture of Pig, so that I thought you. And copy it to you, my little pig. 左手拿刀,右手拿叉,贪吃的小猪猪! Haha. Say hi to Tim. Dad"
I had to get a tube of blood taken last week by the BU nurse to determine the fact, like I had already told them, that I am immune to all the diseases which they required shots. My registration was put on hold until I complied, but after they took the blood and proven the point, they still put me on hold due to some mistake during the data entry process. I feel really...speechless.
a picture of me and Tim when we were in college. hahaha. we were so young. kekeke. The point is, we bought a Canon scanner today, so this is to test out if the scanner works or not.